Return policy

You have the right to cancel your order up to 14 days after receipt.

After cancellation, you have another 14 days to return your product. You will then be credited for the full order amount including shipping costs. Only the return costs from your address to Ca-Art are for your own account. Consult the website of your carrier for the rates. If you use your right of withdrawal, the product must be returned to Ca-Art in its original state. To exercise this right, please contact us at We will then refund the order amount due within 14 days after notification of your return, provided the product has already been received back in good order. So please, treat the product with care and make sure it is packed properly when you return it.

Exchanging a product?

Would you like to exchange your product? That’s possible. Please contact However, you are responsible for the costs of returning the product.

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